Season 2, Episode #6: The Death Row All-Stars

It’s Season Two, Episode Six of Sports Out Of Time and this week we’re going way, way back Into the deepest, darkest parts of American history to discuss the HBO-series that never was: “The Death-Row All Stars.”

ON TAP: Randal and Sam look back at the American Wild West to learn the story of the Wyoming State Penitentiary All-Stars; a baseball team made up of hardened criminals who were literally playing for their lives. We’ll recap the history of the team, showcase some of the most infamous players and look back the American Sheep Wars, which I promise is a real thing.

Finally, the lads briefly discuss personal run-ins with the law, the NFL-Thanksgiving connection and “wearing gear for teams you don’t support”. Plus, the Pop-Culture Time Machine and Trivia (Out Of) Time!!

Season 2 rolls on, so try not to get locked-up!!

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